Frankfurt School and the threat to Western civilisation


Re: “Frankfurt School unmasked fascism, lay foundations for democracy”, Have Your Say, January 30.

This is fake news at its most blatant and mendacious from Egon.  
The Frankfurt School pre-dates the rise of fascism in Europe. It was born in Frankfurt out of the failure of the workers of the world to bring about a global communist revolution at the outbreak of World War I as anticipated by Marx and Lenin. Instead, Europe’s patriotic workers signed up in their millions to defend their nation states. With the rise of fascism, the members of the Frankfurt School fled to America where they worked out what had gone pear-shaped. They concluded that cosy Western civilisation was to blame, they revamped Marxism’s emphasis from economics to culture, and thus began the Slow March Through The Institutions in order to (in the words of founder Willi Munzenberg), “make the West so corrupt that it stinks”, by undermining the family, government, media, religion and education.
Egon’s superficial skim of Critical Theory wilfully ignores the goal and objectives of the Frankfurt School. The goal is to destroy Western civilisation, and I will not bore readers by repeating the 11-point list of objectives from my letter of May 23 last year. Dr Frank’s ludicrous contention (“Some people still need schooling in democracy”, yesterday) that the Frankfurt School is a “valued intellectual edifice” is either bone-ignorant, or an admission that my label for him is entirely justified.
But who is right in this debate? I invite interested readers to research the wealth of literature and material on this topic and decide for themselves. Rather than accept anything that Egon, Dr Frank, or myself say at face value, I urge them to read the words that actually came from the mouths of the Frankfurt School-ers, and then contemplate what’s happening in the world – political correctness, rocketing crime, uncontrolled immigration, no-go zones, Christianity under siege, the disconnect between governments and their electorates, the EU, intolerant student buffoons with their “safe spaces” and “no-platforming”, litigious LGBT tyrants suing people for “misgendering” them with the wrong pronoun, compulsory sex education for primary school children, Antifa, fake news, censorship, corruption of the mainstream media... the list goes on. Is all this just a massive coincidence, or is it by design?
For clarity, consider the words of Max Horkheimer, director of the Frankfurt School in 1930: “The Revolution won’t happen with guns, rather it will happen incrementally, year by year, generation by generation. We will gradually infiltrate their educational institutions and their political offices, transforming them slowly into Marxist entities as we move towards universal egalitarianism.” Thanks, Max.  There you have it.
Nigel Pike
Phang Nga