Trump’s house of cards

Trump’s house of cards

Re: “Kudos to Tillerson,” Letters, October 8.

Dr Frank is much too mild in his praise of US Secretary of State Rex Tillerson for (allegedly) calling Donald Trump a moron. But Tillerson was much too kind. When thinking about Don the Con, the M-word is pretty far down the list of applicable epithets. Both alphabetically and ontologically, it falls right behind the two I-words. First in line, of course, is the A-word.
I  predict that, one by one, like leaves falling from a rotten tree, such stalwart bulwarks against chaos as Tillerson and generals Mattis, McMasters and Kelly will soon be driven from the field. They will learn that they cannot retain the slightest degree of integrity and self-respect while working for this man. He bullies and insults even those who  grovel at his feet, like Jeff Sessions.
When all have fled or been fired, who will Donnie the Mouth then get to work for him? Of course, there is his family. How about Jared Kushner for Secretary of State, Don Junior for Defence, Eric for Homeland Security and Ivanka for chief of staff?
Tiffany could make an appealing press secretary. The talents of the two Anthonys, Scaramucci and Wiener, are also bound to be of great value in the ongoing march of the Trumpreich.
Ye Olde Pedant

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