An open letter to Asean representatives

FRIDAY, APRIL 29, 2016

It’s easy to sit on the sidelines, play golf, wear pretty shirts and hang out at all-expense-paid fancy hotels.

But the takeover of member countries’ islands by China is an issue which needs dynamic action by Asean nations. The islands are much closer to their respective smaller countries, than they are to China. 
As if that weren’t bad enough, China is militarising the islands. It has already set some missile launchers in concrete on the Paracels (doesn’t sound like a Chinese name, does it? And Spratlys?). How much can Asean tolerate?  
If Asean members could think outside the box, they would consider designating the islands and their surrounding seas as an International Marine Reserve – owned by no one and by everyone. No oil drilling, no overfishing, no militarisation. Is that such an alien concept to Asians? Can they fathom the concept of an area of ocean not being owned by countries? 
Asians already contribute mightily to the Pacific Trash Vortex, massively polluting the upper Pacific Ocean. Asians are not lifting a finger to do anything about it. Zero. They don't even acknowledge it exists. 
As a token measure, Asean, China, and other Asian countries can compensate (their massive polluting of seas) by designating the South China Sea as a Marine Reserve.
Kip Keino