Over four million peoples receive Covid-19 vaccines in Myanmar: MOHS


YANGON----The Ministry of Health and Sports (MOHS) reported that over four million peoples already have been vaccinated against Covid-19 vaccine in Myanmar as being of August 21st.

With the aim to prevent measures against deadly Coronavirus, Myanmar begins Covid-19 vaccination program in relevant States and Regions.

Totaling 4,456,857 peoples were given the vaccines across the country.

In Myanmar, three million of Sinopharm and Sinovac jabs had been arrived from China in July. Moreover, more three million of jabs will be arrived in August, according to the MOHS.

Currently, Myanmar purchased four million of Covid vaccines so also China donated two million of Covid jabs and two million of Covid-19 vaccines being purchased from Russia will be arrived in near soon. 

Although Covishield jabs being purchased from India will be arriving in Myanmar, India temporarily bans on export of its vaccines.

The MOHS also urged 50% population which is above 18 years old to vaccinate against Covid-19.  Moreover, MOHS warned the citizens to follow the COvid-19 guide lines.

Currently, the People’s Liberation Army of the People’s Republic of China together with Myanmar embassy staffs in Beijing donated 400,000 Covid-19 jabs and medical supplies to Myanmar.