Ministry tells governors to control cannabis usage in their provinces

MONDAY, JULY 04, 2022

Provincial governors have been instructed to monitor the consumption of cannabis and hemp in their areas in a bid to prevent the abuse of these plants.

Marijuana and hemp were removed from the list of banned narcotics on June 9.

Meanwhile, the order signed by Interior Ministry’s permanent-secretary Suttipong Juljarern on June 30 lists the following guidelines for governors to follow:

• Marijuana and hemp cannot be used for recreation

• Sale or consumption of cannabis/hemp spiked food or beverages is not allowed in government complexes.

• Government officials cannot consume marijuana or hemp illegally or in a manner that can affect the image of state officials.

• Governors, provincial public health offices and related authorities must provide knowledge and promote public awareness over the cultivation and consumption of marijuana and hemp as permitted by law.

• Local authorities must educate people about the benefits and dangers of marijuana and hemp.

• Authorities must inspect cannabis/hemp-spiked food, beverages and products being sold in their areas to ensure that the amount used is within legal limits.

The Defence Ministry issued a similar order last month, prohibiting its personnel from using marijuana or hemp on military complexes as well as from displaying inappropriate behaviour while under the influence.