Thai FDA opens new website for ganja registration as demand soars

FRIDAY, JUNE 10, 2022

Responding to huge public demand, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has opened a second website to register to cultivate cannabis at home or commercially.

Growers can now register at the newly opened, in addition to the original registration portal at

The new channel was added after more than 200,000 people registered themselves as marijuana growers through the Plookganja website and mobile application.

The registration system has received more than 22.8 million visitors since it was opened on Thursday, when cannabis was removed from the narcotics list under Thai law.

As of Friday, the FDA has issued almost 300,000 electronic registration certificates for people to grow the herb.

Registrants are asked to provide their 13-digit ID number and date of birth, as well as specifying the purpose of marijuana use – personal, medicinal or commercial.

Registrants are allowed to grow and use cannabis and hemp for purposes of improving their own health, the preparation of traditional medicines, and commercial and industrial purposes, according to the FDA. They can also produce and process parts of the hemp and cannabis plants.

However, marijuana extracts containing more than 0.2 per cent of tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) – the compound responsible for the herb’s euphoric effects or “high” – are still legally banned as a narcotic.