Nern Maprang ‘forest conservation area’ can be used by villagers, department clarifies


The Department of Public Works and Town & Country Planning said on Tuesday that land in Phitsanulok’s Nern Maprang district has been classified as a forest conservation area by the Royal Forest Department but can be used by villagers with title deeds for residential and agricultural purposes.

The department’s clarification came in response to Nern Maprang villagers filing an appeal with the Office of the Ombudsman on Monday, urging an investigation of the urban zoning of lands in the district.

Somphong Lisonthia, a representative of the community, said on Monday that villagers suspected the classification of land in the district as a forest conservation area, even in zones where villagers have already built houses, will make it easier for authorities to expropriate the lands as state property and offer them to Akara Resources, which has been granted a concession contract to operate gold mines there.

The department said it would verify the information on land classification with the Royal Forest Department, and will hold a public hearing to clarify the issue with concerned Nern Maprang residents.