Labourers feel pain of rising price of alcohol, energy drinks

SUNDAY, MARCH 13, 2022

Labourers in Thailand are feeling the heat from rising prices of alcoholic and energy drinks.

Since February, the price of Ruang Khao white liquor has risen from Bt120 to Bt130 (large bottle) and from Bt60 to Bt70 for a small bottle.

Meanwhile, a large bottle of Chang or Leo has risen Bt3 to Bt58 and Bt61 respectively while Heineken is up Bt4 to Bt76.

Also, the price of energy drinks has risen to Bt30-40 per box. For instance, the price of M-150 has risen from Bt10 to Bt12 per bottle.

A large wholesaler in Bangkok's Bang Kapi district said prices of condensed milk, UHT milk and palm oil have also risen.

He added that retailers would raise the price of condensed milk, UHT milk, palm oil and instant noodles by Bt1-4 in line with rising wholesale prices.

"Everybody knows that production costs have risen, especially fuel and transportation, so we must sell products at the adjusted prices," he said, adding that shops would make the decision on whether to raise the retail price or not.