Democrat candidate for Bangkok governor in hot water


A key candidate for the Bangkok gubernatorial election has come under fire over Bt342 million assets as an opposition MP on Wednesday summoned him before a House panel inquiry.

Move Forward Party MP Theerajchai Phanthumas said that Democrat candidate Suchatwee Suwannasawas needed to explain soon to the House panel on anti-corruption on details of 342 million baht. 

He and his wife had earlier declared only 44 million baht to the anti-graft agency, National Anti Corruption Commission, prior to taking the position of rector of the King Mongkuk Institute for Technology, Lat Krabang, 



Suchatwee was the rector of the King Mongkuk Institute for Technology, Lat Krabang for 6 years, before resigning to run for the Bangkok Metropolitan Administration governorship under the Democrat Party banner late last year.
On December 29, 2021, the Office of the National Anti-Corruption Commission published the assets of Suchatwee 
He informed that he married with 2 children, both of them are underage. with assets of 141 million baht, including cash 100,000 baht, deposit 5.3 million baht, investment 19 million baht, land 32 million baht, houses and buildings 65 million baht, vehicles 2.8 million baht.


He reports that he has an estimated annual income of 18 million baht, a salary of 1.4 million baht, a position allowance of 5 million baht, meeting allowance and a bonus of 5.5 million baht, sales of books and copyrights 3.2 million baht, lecture and tutoring fees 3.5 million baht.
Mrs Suwita Suwansawat, spouse, is currently the Executive Chairman of MSC International Law Office Company Limited, has assets of 200 million baht, including houses and buildings 30 million baht. Vehicles 8.7 million baht. Other assets 95 million baht.