Here are statistics of krathong waste and decomposition in the past nine years and some suggestions on which type of materials you can use during the upcoming Loy Krathong festival:
Although we have switched to using krathongs that are easier and faster to decompose. But floating krathongs in large quantities can cause sewage, especially in a closed water source. Including some materials such as nails and alloys used to sew banana leaves which are non-degradable.
The Bangkok Data Centre has also recently revealed the statistics of the amount of krathong waste collected after the festival each year from 2012 to 2020. In the past two years, it was found that people have been more concerned about the environment as the collected foam krathong reduced to less than 20,000 pieces.
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Here are the statistics of krathong waste in the past nine years:
The Loy Krathong tradition has always been with Thai people since the past. But we should be more environmentally responsible by reducing the krathong size to be smaller, floating just one krathong per family or organisation, or even better, floating an online krathong.