Sinovac not a low-quality vaccine, Chinas embassy hits back at critics


Chinas embassy in Bangkok on Friday issued a statement on its Facebook page, rebutting the accusations of some people that Sinovac vaccine is low quality and ineffective.

“The Chinese government delivered Sinovac vaccine to Thailand at the first chance we could to help the country fight Covid-19, although the vaccine demand in China was still high and the production capability was still inadequate,” said the embassy.

“Every dose of vaccine sent by China represents the goodwill and friendship that China has maintained with Thailand for a long time.

“The vaccines sent by the Chinese government have been approved by the World Health Organization in its emergency use list and has passed clinical trials as required by the Thailand Food and Drug Administration standards,” said the embassy.

“They are safe, effective and have been fully certified in terms of quality.”

The embassy added that a clinical study in Chile has revealed that Sinovac vaccine is over 86 per cent effective in preventing severe symptoms and deaths among Covid-19 patients, while a study by the Indonesian government has shown that the vaccine is up to 95 per cent effective.


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“However, there are certain people and parties in Thailand who are accusing Sinovac of being a low-quality vaccine that lacks efficacy against Covid-19,” added the embassy. “This accusation completely ignores scientific evidence and is harming China’s goodwill for Thailand. The embassy would like to urge such people and parties to stop this dreadful action.

“China is willing to continue helping Thailand in the fight against Covid-19 with the sincerity and mutual goodwill that both countries share. We wish that Thailand can overcome this crisis and return to normal as soon as possible,” added the embassy.