US Embassy says no intermediary in Pfizer donation deal


The United States Embassy in Bangkok has released a video clarifying that no intermediary brokered the US donation of 1.5 million Pfizer vaccine doses to Thailand.

The video was issued following a reported claim by Ruktai Prurapark, an Energy Regulatory Commission subcommittee member, that Thai citizens in the US had coordinated to secure the donation.

“Let me be clear, this is a government-to-government agreement. There is no intermediary in the conversation,” said US Chargé d’Affaires Michael Heath, speaking in Thai.

He added that the White House, US State Department and Embassy were working directly with the Thai Foreign and Public Health ministries on the donation of vaccines to fight the pandemic.

“I look forward to sharing good news with you soon. Americans will always stand side-by-side with Thais,” said Heath.