The remittances made up 97 per cent of the Bt188.8 billion target set for fiscal year 2020.
SEPO director Praphas Khong-Iad said that August alone brought in Bt11.51 billion, mainly from CAT Telecom, Government Lottery Office and Port Authority of Thailand.
The top 10 contributing enterprises in the past 11 months were:
Government Lottery Office (Bt42.5 billion), PTT Pcl (Bt29.1 billion), Electricity Generating Authority of Thailand (Bt 28.6 billion), Government Savings Bank (Bt18 billion), Airports of Thailand Pcl (Bt10.5 billion), CAT Telecom (Bt8.8 billion), Provincial Electricity Authority (Bt6.7 billion), Port Authority of Thailand (Bt6.2 billion), Government Housing Bank (Bt5.9 billion), Bank for Agriculture and Agricultural Cooperatives (Bt5.6 billion).