“We aim to reduce crowding at MRT station ticket kiosks and eliminate the unnecessary touching of bank notes, which could lead to Covid-19 spreading,” said the company. “From April 13, commuters can top up their MRT train passes via mobile applications such as MRT Mobile Top Up, True Money Wallet or Krungthai Next. Or they can top up at any Krungthai Bank ATM.”
In the initial phase the top-up services will be applicable to the Chaloem Ratchamongkhon Line (Blue Line) and Chalong Ratchadham Line (Purple Line), and will expand to other lines in the future.
After topping up via mobile apps or ATM, users need to use their passes to adjust the value at any train station AVM (activate value machine) in seven days. If the value is not adjusted within a week, the top up will be cancelled and the money automatically transferred back to the user’s account.
The minimum top up allowed is Bt100, while the maximum is Bt1,500.