Thai PISA scores among bottom 13 in the world

Thai PISA scores among bottom 13 in the world

The PISA 2018 scores of Thai students showed test results unchanged for maths and science but reading scores continued to be on the decline.

The results revealed on Wednesday (December 4) by the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) showed results of Thai students aged around 15 having scores well below the OECD average.
The scores were:
- Reading 393 points (OECD average 487 points)
- Mathematics 419 points (OECD 489 points)
- Science 426 points (OECD 489 points)

Thailand ranked 66th among 79 countries whose students took the Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) test.
Compared to PISA 2015, reading scores were down by 16 points, while maths and science scores increased by 3 points and 4 points respectively. In statistical tests, maths and science were considered unchanged. It was found that maths and science assessment in Thailand had not changed while reading evaluation results had been declining continuously.
Considering the difference of scores between students with high scores (90th percentile) and students with low scores ( 10th percentile), there is a gap of about 200 points, with the tendency for differences in reading and science remaining stable. For maths, there is a wider score gap since high-score group students have a higher average score while low-grade students had lower scores. Considering the differences between genders, female students had higher scores than male students in all aspects, especially in reading, where female students scored 39 points higher than males.

Thailand Web Stat