Loving, abandoned Toto now in Soi Dog’s hands and ready for adoption

Loving, abandoned Toto now in Soi  Dog’s hands and ready for adoption

After many a long walk on the tough surface of the roads through the heat and rain of Phuket, Toto, the dog who never gave up looking for his owner, eventually found himself in Rawai, miles from where his journey began.

Following weeks of roaming, he is now in the care of Soi Dog Foundation and ready to find a new home.
The Phuket-based foundation said in a press statement that Toto, a 3-year-old male, had been abandoned last November when his owner returned to France and chose to leave his loyal, loving dog behind with somebody who could not take care of him properly or protect him from being abused by neighbours. 
The journey of this poor dog started that day. 
Somehow, he escaped from the situation he was put in, but nobody knows how he ended up at Chalong Pier, where he was found in December, or how much he had been through.
According to eye witnesses, Toto repeatedly jumped on tour boats that were tied up to the pier every day and even jumped into the water, intent on following one of the boats in the hope of finding his owner. 
Sadly, he did not realise he had been abandoned by the one he was looking for the whole time.
Later that month, he was reported to have disappeared from Chalong Pier.
Fortunately for Toto, a kind man from Finland noticed him after he was seen following some tourists from Soi Saiyuan 4 to Soi Saiyuan 10 in Rawai. 
Though he was not injured, Toto’s nails were completely worn down because of the distances he had run on the hard surface of the road, desperately searching for his family.

Loving, abandoned Toto now in Soi  Dog’s hands and ready for adoption
The man took Toto to rest at his house, before sending him to Soi Dog’s mobile clinic, which was in Rawai at the time. 
Toto needed sterilising and vaccinating. The vets in the clinic gave him a full health check and tick-control treatment, and declared him fit and healthy.
“Toto had no tattoo on his ear, but was wearing a black collar with a pink rubber band to identify him. He is incredibly friendly and craves affection and security. Everything about him says he is yearning for a loving home” his rescuer said.
“Sadly, I cannot adopt him as I am leaving for Europe soon, but I will make sure he does not end up back on the streets, even if we fail to find a new home for him by that time. If you ever wanted a loving dog who would walk through fire for you, Toto is that dog,” the Finn said.
Toto was transported to Soi Dog Foundation on February 7 and they have now confirmed he is ready for adoption.
“This beautiful dog deserves a home. He has been searching and searching and, clearly, the owner he was looking for doesn’t deserve him. A great lesson here, don’t take dogs in if you can’t take them with you when you go,” said John Higgs, a Board Member of Soi Dog Foundation.
“So many foreigners here take a dog thinking they are helping the dog, but it is actually for selfish gain because when they leave the country, they think they can just leave the dog with someone else. There are so many cases like this. It’s better to leave the dog on the street than to take them home for a short time, only to abandon them,” he added.
Toto is waiting at Soi Dog Foundation for a second chance to become somebody’s best friend.
His only wish now is to have a caring family who can give him a place to call his own and a home where he really belongs.

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