Songkhla phone scam leads to arrest of Malaysian, Thai


A Malaysian and the first of several suspected Thai accomplices were arrested in Songkhla on Wednesday for allegedly running a call centre that tricked people into transferring money.

Pol Col Chutharet Damrongyingyongsakul, acting chief of Songkhla Immigration Police, said his men had a warrant from the Khon Kaen Court to pick up Lim Sex Hou, 40, at a fast-food restaurant on Soi Thai Junglone 11 in Sadao district.
They searched his room and found eight passbooks from Thai banks, eight ATM cards and Bt100,000 in cash.
He was sought in connection with the theft of money from Khon Kaen resident Rungthip Nakarangsu, 49.
A caller posing as Pol Lt Col Boonlert Jaipradit, commissioner of Provincial Police Bureau 4, called her to say she was suspected of involvement in illegal drugs, but he could absolve her if she wired him money.
Police also arrested Mahama Kami, 31, a resident of Sadao district, for allegedly opening bank accounts that Lim could use.
Chutharet said police were hunting for more Thai accomplices who had posed as senior police and a postal official.