BGF Kabinburi Glass is located in Srimahaphote, Prachinburi, covering an area of 150 rai and has a production capacity of 219,000 tonnes per year. The factory’s construction budget of Bt5 billion is expected to expand the business to meet the demands of both domestic and Asean countries.
Begun in 2014, BGF is now Thailand's only glass manufacturer, aiming to be the “total glass solutions provider,” said Somporn Temudomsomboon, senior executive vice president for group production.
The BGF Kabinburi Glass factory is the company’s first factory with production capacity of 219,000 tonnes per year and a construction budget of around Bt5 billion.
The factory is a cooperation with their global partner, Glas Trösch Holding AG, a major manufacturer of glass products and float glass from Switzerland. Their team developed an advanced technology and modernised production processes.
“BGF is the first company in the Thailand to introduce production technology of hard coated glass,” said Somporn. “BGF also implements glass quality inspection technology that measure the thickness and scans for any contamination in the glass before delivery to the customers. Customers can trust the quality and the standard of our products."
Thailand's glass industry has an annual growth of 5-7 per cent with the total market value of Bt12 billion. Imported glass accounts for 20 per cent or Bt2.4 billion of the total market value.
“This shows that there is an inadequate glass production in the country to meet market demand,” said Somporn. “BGF, therefore, is a new manufacturer who is well equipped with state-of-the-art manufacturing technology and has strong business strategies. BGF is ready to become a major glass manufacturer for Thailand and Asean.”
Chokchai Srisoonthorn, general manager of BG Float Glass Co Ltd noted that BGF would begin producing clear glass panels. “We will be the first in the country to use innovative technologies … including a quality control system by camera scanning. There are also other technologies that were co-developed with Glas Trösch, making our factory highly efficient in glass production, which also adds value and variety of our glass products.” Their products include tempered glass, laminated glass and energy-saving glass or “BGF Natural Cool”.