Divine Departure


Millions of Thais at home and abroad pay final respects to revered monarch in historic event.

TODAY IS a momentous and emotional day for millions of Thais as the country prepares for the divine departure of HM the late King Bhumibol Adulyadej (King Rama IX). 
Three royal processions, attended by HM King Maha Vajiralongkorn, HRH Princess Maha Chakri Sirindhorn and several other Royal Family members, will begin at 7am in honour of the late monarch.
Along the routes, black-clad mourners will prostrate to bid a heartfelt farewell to the “Father of the Land”. 

Divine Departure
The Royal Cremation of King Rama IX will take place later in the day at the grand Royal Crematorium, which symbolises the mythical Mount Sumeru and was built for the late King.
It is believed in mythology that Heaven sits on top of Mount Sumeru and that King Rama IX will reside there following his Royal Cremation.

Divine Departure

Photo by: Chaiyakan Panthong

The late monarch reigned over Thailand for seven full decades, from 1946 till his passing on October 13 last year, in his 89th year.
During his 70 years on the throne, he hard to improve the lives of his people and reached out to those living in the remotest corners of Thailand. 

Divine Departure
His royal work has been extensive and comprehensive, with thousands of his royal projects operating, encompassing water management, agriculture, healthcare, education and more.   Divine Departure

Divine Departure

Divine Departure
In addition to all his work to uplift the masses, King Rama IX reigned with righteousness and guided the Kingdom with moral authority. By virtue of his moral stature, he was the ultimate unifying figure with the power to bring the country together in times of crises.
King Rama IX offered wisdom and practical guidance too. His sufficiency economy philosophy, for example, offers a practical model for people at all levels and all types of organisations. During his long reign, King Rama IX embodied the heart and soul of Thailand. 
To Thais, he symbolised moral excellence, dedication, perseverance, sufficiency, gentleness, caring paternity and many other virtues.
His Royal Cremation Ceremony, which began yesterday and will run till Sunday, has much significance for the entire country. 
Thailand will turn into a sea of black today, as people across the nation don dark clothes for the Royal Cremation. 

Divine Departure
More than 100,000 black-clad mourners have camped overnight near Sanam Luang, some for a few days already, for a chance to get close to the Royal Crematorium on the day of the actual cremation. “Weather conditions can’t shake me. I feel warm when I know I can watch the Royal procession in honour of my beloved King with my own eyes,” Noppadon Janla, 43, said. 
Millions of Thais will also visit 85 replicas of the Royal Crematorium and various temples across Thailand to make offerings of sandalwood flowers as parting tributes to their beloved late King. 
Thais living overseas can also place sandalwood flowers as tribute to King Rama IX at various venues. 
Dignitaries from at least 42 countries are attending the Royal Cremation ceremonies of King Rama IX. The ceremonies will be broadcast live so that people everywhere can watch the historic event. 
Thailand has been in mourning for more than a year since the passing of King Rama IX, who is considered one of the greatest monarchs.
The ongoing Royal Cremation ceremonies are being held in line with ancient traditions to provide a divine departure to the much-revered King Rama IX. 
Thais may shed tears when the Royal Coffin of their beloved monarch is moved into the Royal Pyre inside the majestic Royal Crematorium, but they can take comfort in the belief that King Rama IX is destined for Heaven. 
Divine Departure

Divine Departure