‘Mafia-style’ former MP released after guns charges

SUNDAY, MAY 28, 2017

A former MP and four members of his entourage were released on bail on Sunday after being detained overnight for carrying firearms in public without permission.

Chada Thaiseth, a former Uthai Thani MP, reportedly has been on an official list of mafia-style figures. 
More than 100 policemen, both in uniform and plainclothes, intercepted his convoy on a road in Uthai Thani province on Saturday afternoon. 
Chada’s group was driving as many as eight vehicles and a search found several guns and illicit drugs in the cars. 
“Chada was not carrying any weapon or illegal items,” his lawyer Suparerk Iamla-or on Sunday. 
Suparerk said the guns were being held by members of Chada’s entourage. 
He added that the man who was found in possession of illicit drugs had asked for a ride to a funeral. 
“The drugs suspect remains in police custody,” Suparerk said.