Most Thais believe Bangkok hospital bomb attack was aimed at junta: poll

SATURDAY, MAY 27, 2017

MOST PEOPLE surveyed last week in a public opinion poll believed that Monday’s bomb explosion at Phramongkutklao Hospital was politically motivated and intended to discredit the ruling junta.

More than 78 per cent of respondents said they believed the blast was related to politics while 73 per cent saw it as an attempt to discredit the post-coup government and National Council for Peace and Order (NCPO) junta.
Just over 70 per cent said they thought the attack was aimed at defying the power of the governing junta, according to results of the Dusit Poll released yesterday. The bomb blast left 25 people injured.
The survey was conducted by the research arm of Suan Dusit Rajabhat University between Tuesday and Friday. A total of 1,157 respondents in all regions of the country were asked to assess the performance of the NCPO-led government after three years in power.
About 82 per cent of the respondents viewed the series of bomb explosions in Bangkok over the past month as being intended to create public disturbances.
Of those surveyed, 77 per cent said they wanted the government to step up security measures and to ensure intelligence was more reliable.
More than 73 per cent of the respondents urged the government to bring the perpetrators to trial, while 63 per cent wanted more information on bomb attacks to be released to the public.