Society joins hands with hospital to lower cervical cancer rate among Thais


THE THAI Gynecologic Cancer Society (TGCS) has partnered with Bangkok’s Chulabhorn Hospital to launch a campaign to reduce the risk of Thai women contracting the human papillomavirus (HPV) and subsequently cervical cancer.

HPV is a cause of cervical cancer, the second most common type of cancer among Thai women. 
TCCS president Dr Sarikapan Wilailak, of Ramathibodi Hospital, and Chulabhorn Hospital gynaecologist Dr Nattavut Kantathavorn shared their knowledge on cervical cancer and HPV at a press conference for the campaign. 
“Presently, 8,184 Thai women [on average] are diagnosed with cervical cancer each year, although such cancer can be prevented by the HPV vaccination,” Sarikapan said. 
“The vaccine can lower the |risk of HPV types 16 and 18 infection, which is the main cause of cervical cancer, by as much as 90 per cent. 
“It’s critical to educate and raise awareness of the disease among women and families with young daughters because the vaccine can be given to girls as early as the age of nine. The prevention should to be done at an early stage.” 
Nattavut, who also works at Chulabhorn Hospital’s Centre for Women’s Health, said: “All women must regularly perform self-examinations and annually meet a gynaecologist for HPV and cervical cancer screenings. Educating the public on the disease will help lower the risk of cervical cancer among Thai women. 
“Currently, many countries, such as Australia, the United States, Canada as well as Asean countries such as the Philippines, Malaysia, Laos and Brunei, show awareness of the need to protect young people against cervical cancer and provide HPV vaccines to young girls at the age of 11-12.”
In addition to the “Stop Cervical Cancer” campaign, Chulabhorn Hospital’s Centre for Women’s Health is supporting the “I Say ‘Yes’ to Stop Cervical Cancer” initiative, which aims to help low-income cancer patients.
People who donate money under the campaign can get either a free cervical screening test, a HPV DNA screening or a HPV vaccination, according to whether they donate Bt790, Bt1,590 or Bt1,990 at the centre. 
The screening and vaccination service could be passed onto others when appropriate, Nattavut said. 
Donations can be made until September 30. For more information about the donation campaign, call Chulabhorn Hospital at 02-576-6833 to 36.