Controversy as Myanmar govt sacks Deputy Agriculture Minister

Controversy as Myanmar govt sacks Deputy Agriculture Minister

The Deputy Minister of Agriculture, Livestock and Irrigation, Tun Win, was sacked by the ruling National League for Democracy on Friday.

The order was signed by President Htin Kyaw under Section 235 of the constitution of the Republic of the Union of Myanmar and Section 69 of the Union Government Law.

News of the minister’s dismissal was greeted with differing views as it reached the public.

Vice-president of the Myanmar Rice Federation Soe Tun said: “In my opinion, Dr Tun Win has had long experience in agriculture and irrigation [and was] suited to the position of deputy minister. I am sad to lose such an expert in country development."

“I believed Dr Tun Win would do his best for the agriculture and irrigation sectors since he has had 30 or 40 years’ experience in those fields.”

Sources said Dr Tun Win and the minister Dr Aung Thu argued three months ago at a meeting regarding the projects he submitted. They said Dr Tun Win proposed using water for paddy fields from Yezin Dam, to breed fish in the dam and the Ayeyawady River Project.

However, those project proposals were rejected.

Dr Tun Win said: “I said the minister had only four months’ experience in the agriculture sector. I have had 40 years’ experience and I said the government, which guaranteed change, should create [better] conditions for farmers and minors who have been suppressed in the country.”

Dr Tun Win said the minister got angry over the expression ‘40 years versus four months’ and beat the table and yelled angrily. However, [senior officials] received the message about the beating the table behaviour and I did not get a chance to explain. [The officials] were witnesses I did not behave in this manner. However, I apologised to him [the minister] later, though the atmosphere was not good then.”

The NLD Central Executive Committee member Win Htein forced Dr Tun Win to resign. However, Win Htein gave no reason for forcing the resignation although Dr Tun Win asked him for one.

Dr Tun Win was told to transfer to Nay Pyi Taw Council Area, but he refused. Finally on November 17, he was forced to resign; otherwise, he would be expelled.

Dr Tun Win said: “If I submitted a resignation, I would get the state pension. But I don’t care about a state pension and I do not want it. I stand for the truth. On November 17, I wrote a letter to the state about the meeting and arguments, lack of cooperation and that lands should be protected for the country. I wrote that I did not make any mistake and I could not resign as if I had made a mistake. I did not make any mistake, including corruption. And I cannot surrender. I would accept the president’s decision.

“Then in next day’s newspaper, I saw a bewildering order for termination of duties. I did not have a chance to explain or plead. They decided it based on one-sided voices.”

Publicly, many people voted for Dr Tun Win on the social network. They pointed out that projects proposed by Dr Tun Win were really better for the country. Firing him was evidence of an unwillingness to change, critics said.

“I think Dr Tun Win is right. He would best serve the country in a position where he had expertise; otherwise he wouldn’t go anywhere. The state should not expel him because they do not like him,” said an activist for farmer affairs, Zaw Ran.

Dr Tun Win was assigned as deputy minister on May 2, 2016.

He said: “I value the NLD as a people’s party and the NLD was elected by the public. I do not wish for something bad to happen to the party because of me. I won’t report to the State Counselor. I do not want to do that,” he said.

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