‘Work-Life Balance’ trend is disrupted by ‘Work Hard To Survive’


The recent viral topic has sparked an intense online debate on whether employees should prioritize maintaining a work-life balance to achieve the best harmony between their professional and personal lives.

On the other hand, should they work hard to survive by producing exceptional results to demonstrate their value to the organization, especially in the current alarming global economic scenario?

Jobsdb by SEEK reveals that achieving work-life balance requires effective planning, allowing tasks to be completed within a reasonable timeframe. This enables individuals to spend more time on personal passions or with loved ones. This approach, called "Work Smart," is advocated by Duangporn Promon, Managing Director of Jobsdb by SEEK, explaining that "Work-life balance means not working oneself to death, but it also doesn't imply working just 2-3 days per week. To achieve work-life balance in the current economic crisis, employees must meet organizational goals through effective planning. Work-life balance is surviving and meeting the organization's needs by working within set timelines and delivering efficient results, allowing time for personal and family care. This is what we call “Work Smart”.

Jobsdb by SEEK will explore the differences, advantages, and disadvantages of both the 'Work Smart' and 'Work Hard' approaches. This will help readers determine their current work style and provide actionable insights on how to adapt their work methods to better fit their lifestyles.

If You Work Hard, You are likely to:

1. Stay Late at the Office  

While others are heading home, you are likely to still finish tasks, often being one of the last to leave. Hard workers frequently have a continuous stream of tasks, so as soon as one is completed, another takes its place. 

2. Take Work Home                                             

Even if you stay late at the office, tasks may remain unfinished, leading you to bring work home. During peak periods, it's not uncommon for your family to see you working on weekends.

3. Be Highly Dedicated                                        

Hard workers are often seen as highly dedicated individuals who persistently work to meet task requirements. You are willing to invest as much time as needed to complete the job, regardless of how long it takes.

In terms of 'Work Hard,' tasks will typically be completed as planned. The dedication and effort you invest will earn you trust and praise from both colleagues and supervisors, paving the way for career advancement. This reflects the notion: 'Suffer today, thrive tomorrow.' However, Jobsdb by SEEK emphasizes that maintaining both physical and mental health, as well as valuing time with loved ones, is crucial. Balancing personal interests, self-care, and quality time with family and friends is essential for recharging and effectively addressing future challenges.

If you Work Smart, You are likely to: 

1. Manage to Leave Work on Time 

Maintaining a clear boundary between work and personal time is essential. When your workday ends, take the opportunity to indulge in activities you love. This approach doesn't imply a lack of dedication to your job; instead, it demonstrates your respect for work hours and your ability to manage tasks efficiently. By doing so, you ensure a healthy work-life balance, showing that you can be both productive at work and fulfilled in your personal life.

2. Plan Systematically  

With systematic planning, tasks are meticulously organized and prioritized. You analyze each task, distribute responsibilities effectively, and set clear timelines and deadlines. This methodical approach ensures that work is completed efficiently and on schedule, preventing it from encroaching on your time. By maintaining this structured planning, you can achieve a balanced work-life integration, ensuring productivity without sacrificing your well-being and personal life.

3. Work Effectively During Working Hours

A smart worker maximizes effort to meet set timelines and deadlines, ensuring tasks are completed efficiently. This approach allows plenty of personal time afterwards.

4. Utilize AI Tools in Daily Life & Work

Smart workers effectively leverage AI tools both in their daily routines and at work. They use these tools in a useful and intelligent manner, enhancing productivity and outcomes. This approach allows them to tap into a wealth of knowledge, ensuring each task is completed efficiently and effectively.

This highlights the workflow through effective thinking and planning, utilizing technology to support and minimize time consumption. Smart workers can achieve optimal results, paving the way for a successful career path similar to that of hard workers. Additionally, it provides more free time for relaxation and personal activities, contributing to self-development. By successfully managing tasks while maintaining a happy and balanced life, stress from workloads can be significantly reduced.

Lastly, it is important to recognize that there is no one-size-fits-all approach to work. Each individual's working style, job type, and relationships with colleagues vary, the best approach depends on personal circumstances and preferences. Ultimately, it's crucial to remember the most significant aspects of life: yourself and your loved ones.