Four guidelines for property developers to create eco-friendly projects


Property developers in Thailand need to follow four guidelines in order to become eco-friendly and reduce greenhouse gas emissions, property research and development  company LWS Wisdom and Solutions said on Friday.

The property sector is among industries that have been urged to play a role in mitigating environmental degradation. 

“These guidelines aim to meet consumer trends, as well as the government’s policy to achieve carbon neutrality by 2050 and net-zero carbon emission by 2065,” the company’s managing director, Praphansak Rakchaiwan, said.

The guidelines are as follow:

  • Construction and design adjustment: A passive design allows architects to make a blueprint that enables buildings to be eco-friendly, such as ensuring building openings allow sufficient light and boost air ventilation.
  • Eco-friendly materials: Construction materials should not trigger greenhouse gas emission or they should have emissions lower than others. Surfacing materials like paint should reflect sunlight to reduce heat in buildings. 
  • Growing trees to filter sunlight and keep buildings cool: Although this guideline is very fundamental, the accumulated heat can be reduced further if buildings are designed appropriately.
  • Solar cell for reducing electricity expense: Although the installation cost is high, it can reduce expense in the long term and make buildings more eco-friendly.

Praphansak Rakchaiwan, managing director of LWS Wisdom and Solutions

Praphansak said Thailand is working on its draft Climate Change Act, which is expected to come into effect in 2025 or 2026. 

Any organisation that emits a large amount of greenhouse gas will face a high emission tariff. The tariff would be dropped if they reduce the emission, he explained, adding that the act aimed to encourage entrepreneurs to operate business along with reducing emission.

“Adjustment before the laws come into effect is crucial to mitigate expenses in the long term,” he added.

Four guidelines for property developers to create eco-friendly projects