Hot properties to feature at Health & Wealth Expo hosted by Nation Group


Dozens of properties in Thailand’s prime locations will be up for auction in the Health & Wealth Expo 2023, scheduled from November 9-12 at the Queen Sirikit National Convention Centre in Bangkok.

The four-day event, hosted by Nation Group, will feature the auction of hot properties from partners, namely Beyond Development, Bangkok Commercial Asset Management (BMA), and more, at lowest prices ever. Several items will offer a discount of up to 50 percent for the first time.

Buyers visiting BMA’s booth (A17) will also enjoy premium gifts and special discounts valued at up to 3 billion baht, while online buyers will be eligible for discount codes with a total value of 5 billion baht.

Nation Group is helping keep the property boom trend going, as this month is a golden opportunity for those in the market for houses, townhouses and condos. This week, the 44th House and Condo Show also went live at the Queen Sirikit National Convention Centre from November 2-5.

At this fair, giant developers including Ananda, Sansiri, Pruksa and Origin have been presenting their latest projects as well as offering special discounts ranging from 100,000 baht to 7 million baht. Buyers also enjoyed premium gifts, including gold bars, an Ora Good Cat GT electric car, and furniture to showcase in their new condos and houses.