2023 The Year of Digital Transformer


Regarding to the previous article 2023 The Post-Digital Transformation Era, we encountered the Digital Transformation 1.0: the First Wave of Transformation which happened many years ago before the COVID-19 outbreak at the end of 2019, and the Digital Transformation 2.0: the Second Wave of Digital Transformation following the COVID-19 pandemic during 2021 - 2022. In 2023, the world is moving from Digital Transformation to Digital-First.

How to be a “Digital Transformer” to conquer in 2023 and beyond

According to the 2023 The Year of Transformer report of Digital Transformation Academy, what we suggest are … 


Image: 4 Element of Digital Transformation, TRANSFORMER PLAYBOOK

We suggest you start transforming the business with deep and truly understanding from getting started, evaluating, designing, and creating your own success. This would help you ensure that “The Investment in creating this change” of the organization will help you create meaningful results and real value for the business.


Image: Digital Maturity Assessment, TRANSFORMER PLAYBOOK

It is never easy when it comes to change whether big or small. The ability to emotionally understand what the entire ecosystems are going through is crucial and also be able to create a creative and positive transformation atmosphere would help eliminate any obstacles along the transformation journey. Logically and reasonably empathetic behavior would improve our lives and desired outcomes to the individuals and organizations, and to governments and societies. The digital value would include the impact of financials (top and bottom line), ecosystem and sustainability.


Image: Digital Transformation Framework, TRANSFORMER PLAYBOOK

Ready or not, here it comes! The digital economy is here. The world is moving real fast from digital transformation to the “Digital-First”.

This year business must be able to be fully implemented digitally across organizations and must be able to define the technology and the capabilities that you need to create your competitive advantages which are important and necessary for the organization in the future.

Read the full report here: https://www.digitaltransformationacademy.org/2023-the-year-of-transformer-report