145 townships covered, 58 uncounted in 2024 Myanmar population census


Sources reported that in the 2024 population and household census, only 145 townships successfully collected 100% of the population data, 127 townships gathered partial data, and 58 townships conducted no data collection at all.

"In the 2024 population and household census, there were townships that were able to complete the population census peacefully, and there were townships that were difficult to collect due to security and transportation conditions. Some townships could not be collected at all. However, the townships that could not be collected at all are only about 1 out of 6 nationwide. The population in the areas that cannot be collected is determined by using data such as demography, remote sensing technology, estimates by international consultants, and departmental statistics. We have calculated and presented the estimated population," said the Chairman of the Central Census Commission and Union Minister for Immigration and Population U Myint Kyaing.

The 2024 census was collected using the de facto method, and the enumerators went door-to-door in their assigned enumeration area using mobile tablets and computer-assisted personal interviewing (CAPI).

The Union Minister said, “The population in Myanmar obtained from the 2024 population and housing census is 51,316,756. In that list, the population obtained from the census in person is 32,191,407 and the population verified by demographics for areas that cannot be counted is 19,125,349. There are 1,5105,215 males and 17,086,192 females, so the number of females is higher. It is 46.9 per cent of men and 53.1 % of women.”

Including the estimated population for areas that cannot be enumerated using the remote sensing technology, out of 100 people in Myanmar: 31 people live in urban areas and 69 people live in rural areas. If we look at the gender participation ratio, we can see that there are only 88 men for every 100 women nationwide, the Union Minister said.

The Union Minister said, "If we study by regions and states, Kayah State is the only one that has special cases of fleeing war, so we can see that there are 120 men for every 100 women. In the rest of the regions and states, the number of women is higher."

The collection work of large-scale population and household censuses is implemented without international assistance and they have been successful with the human resources available in the country, the challenges and difficulty with financing sources and the strength of mutual cooperation, the union minister said.

"Terrorist organizations that want to disrupt this work have killed a census committee member, and 21 have been arrested. 19 of them have been rescued and two remain. I would like to say that we are continuing our efforts to release them. One member of the census committee who died while taking the census was awarded the medal of honour, and we are in the process of awarding honorary degrees for the auditors and enumerators who worked hard to succeed in the risky work," said the Union Minister.

The census was successfully collected due to GIS technology and the formation of census maps and enumeration plots, CAPI system building and application writing, conducting a pilot census, recruiting and training of auditors and enumerators, supplying and distributing of mobile phones, tablets, servers and computers accessories, and the timely and systematic implementation of public awareness programs, said the Union Minister.

In the Population and Housing Census 2024, the midnight of September 30 was set as the reference time for the census, and it was collected from October 1 to 15. Due to security and transportation conditions, some areas have extended the collection days.

Eleven Media

Asia News Network