Floods in Myanmar leave 226 dead and 77 missing


As of 4pm on September 16, a total of 226 people have died, and 77 are missing in 56 townships across Myanmar affected by floods, according to reports. Over 120,000 animals have died, and more than 600,000 acres of farmland have been submerged in water, according to the State Administration Council.

The flooding was caused by the effects of Typhoon Yagi, which formed over the South China Sea, and a smaller storm in the central and northwestern Bay of Bengal. These storms have brought continuous heavy rainfall to some regions, including Naypyidaw, Kayah State, Kayin State, Bago Region, Magway Region, Mandalay Region, Mon State, Shan State, and Ayeyawady Region. Rising water levels in rivers and streams have led to floods in 56 townships across these regions, causing damage to roads, bridges, homes, government offices, schools, and other buildings.

In the 56 townships impacted by flooding, 2,116 homes were damaged, and 158,373 homes were submerged. In response, local governments in affected states and regions have established 438 emergency relief shelters, assisting 42,858 households and 163,710 people. Soldiers, police, fire brigade personnel, Red Cross volunteers, and charity organizations have been working together to provide timely rescue operations.

As of 4:00 PM on September 16, 226 people have died, and 77 remain missing in the affected townships, according to SAC records.

Additionally, the flood damage extends to 84 townships across Naypyidaw, Kayin State, Bago Region, Magway Region, Mandalay Region, Shan State, and Ayeyawady Region. According to reports as of 4:00 PM on September 16, the damage includes 117 government buildings, 1,040 schools, 386 religious structures, some roads and bridges, electrical poles, and communication towers. A total of 128,344 animals have died, and 643,081 acres of rice paddies and various crops have been submerged.

Eleven Media

Asia News Network