Myanmar flooding leaves 74 dead, 89 missing as rescue efforts intensify


As of September 13, reports indicate that 74 people have died and 89 are missing in 64 townships and 462 wards/villages affected by flooding. 

The affected areas include townships in Naypyidaw Council Territory, Kayin State, Bago Region, Mandalay Region, Mon State, Southern and Eastern Shan State, and Ayeyawady Region. From September 10 to the evening of September 13, flooding occurred in these regions, resulting in 74 deaths and 89 missing persons, according to the State Administration Council (SAC), which has announced that rescue operations are being intensified.

Additionally, the flooding in the above wards and villages caused damage to 32,645 feet of roads, 24 bridges, 375 schools, one monastery, five dams, four pagodas, 14 transformers, 456 lamp posts, and 65,759 houses, which were submerged and damaged.

Continuous rainfall in Naypyidaw Council Territory, some regions, and states caused river and creek levels to rise, leading to flooding in some townships' urban and rural areas. This resulted in roads, railways, some bridges, lamp posts, and buildings and houses being damaged.

Flood-affected areas in Naypyidaw Council Territory were being evacuated promptly. On September 14, rescue operations continued for flood-affected people in Lewe, Pyinmana, Zeyathiri, and Pobbathiri Townships, involving military personnel, police officers, fire brigades, relevant department officials, and social welfare rescue teams. They are assisting in relocation and distributing food supplies.

Moreover, in areas where the water has receded, joint cleanup operations, including the removal of debris, fallen trees, and branches, are ongoing. Efforts to restore roads and bridges damaged by the flooding are also underway, aiming to quickly resume normal transportation.

On September 14, efforts to replace the damaged Thike Chaung and Nawing Chaung bridges in Naypyidaw Council Territory with steel Bailey bridges continued. 

Furthermore, the temporary Bailey bridge replacing the damaged Pobbagon Bridge (Hsinthay Creek Crossing) in Zeyathiri and Pobbathiri Townships was completed by midday on September 14, allowing small vehicles to pass.

Temporary shelters have been set up for flood evacuees in Naypyidaw Council Territory and relevant regions and states, and necessary healthcare services are being provided.

Eleven Media

Asia News Network