Khao Yai National Park to enforce strict measures


Checkpoints to crack down on speeding, loud exhausts, and disturbances to wildlife and tourists

Chaiya Huaihongthong, chief of Khao Yai National Park, alongside relevant authorities on Sunday, established inspection points equipped with sound meters for exhaust noise and speed measurement devices on Thanarat Road within the park in Pak Chong district, Nakhon Ratchasima. 

The initiative aims to reduce PM 2.5 dust pollution, preserve the natural environment, and maintain clean air quality.

Chaiya said, "We have coordinated efforts to set up checkpoints to measure noise levels and vehicle speeds for both cars and motorcycles entering and exiting the park. The noise limit is set at 95 decibels, and the speed limit is 60 kilometres per hour. 

Khao Yai National Park to enforce strict measures

“These measures are part of our campaign to maintain pollution-free air in accordance with the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment’s standards. We are serious about enforcing these rules to protect wildlife and visitors from noise disturbances."

It was found that some motorcyclists and motorists were using steel wool to block exhaust noise temporarily, only to remove it after leaving the park. This practice poses a danger to wildlife if animals, such as wild elephants, eat the discarded materials. Several vehicles have been fined for exceeding the 95-decibel noise limit.

Khao Yai National Park to enforce strict measures

Vehicles entering the park must have exhaust systems free of smoke and excessive noise, as per legal limits. Loud exhausts are not only disruptive but also dangerous to others and harmful to the environment. 

Visitors are required to comply with these regulations to ensure a safe and pollution-free environment, where people and wildlife can enjoy fresh, clean air free from carbon dioxide, hydrocarbons, and nitrogen oxides. 

"Our goal is to keep Khao Yai National Park a beautiful and healthy destination for a long time," Chaiya said.

The park chief reiterated that visitors must adhere to the park's regulations, particularly the "4 Don'ts and 1 Do": don't drive fast, don't make loud noises, don't litter, don't feed the animals, and don’t bring pets into the park.

Khao Yai National Park to enforce strict measures