Heavy rains forecast for many parts of Thailand until August 30


Weather bureau also warns of storms

The North will experience thunderstorms with a 70% chance of rain in Mae Hong Son, Chiang Mai, Chiang Rai, Lampang, Phayao, Phrae, Nan, and other provinces on Sunday, the Thai Meteorological Department said.

Heavy storms are also expected in many parts of the country. 

Heavy rains forecast for many parts of Thailand until August 30

The monsoon trough extends over the upper northern region and upper Laos, entering a low-pressure area over upper Vietnam. Meanwhile, the southwest monsoon continues to cover the Andaman Sea, Thailand, and the Gulf of Thailand, the bureau said. 

This weather pattern will bring heavy rainfall to the northern, upper northeastern, Bangkok and its vicinity, and lower southern regions.

In the upper Andaman Sea, waves 1-2 metres high are forecast, and over 2 metres in areas with thunderstorms. 

From August 26 to 30, rainfall will increase across Thailand, with some areas experiencing heavy to very heavy rain, especially in the upper northern, upper northeastern, eastern, and west-southern regions, the bureau said.

Residents in the North, Northeast, East, and the western areas of the South should be cautious of heavy to very heavy rainfall and potential flash floods, especially in foothill areas near waterways and low-lying regions.

Ships in the Andaman Sea and the Gulf of Thailand should proceed with caution and avoid sailing in stormy areas. Small boats in the upper Andaman Sea should stay ashore, the bureau said.